Introducing EBOO with Dr. Yoshi Rahm on THE DR. JOY KONG PODCAST
Mar 26, 2024
I recently had the privilege of joining Dr. Joy Kong on her podcast, Episode 65: Introducing EBOO. During our conversation, I discussed how EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation) has become quite a popular treatment in the holistic health and biohacking community. Based on my extensive experience, research, and studies conducted with EBOO therapy, we explored what this therapy can do for the body, the difference between EBOO and traditional ozone therapy (MAH - Major Autohematherapy) and 10 pass ozone therapy. I also discuss the major benefits people see from EBOO treatments and the results from the EBOO studies conducted here at Oasis Family Medicine.
Please watch and listen to the podcast video below. You can also access the podcast on Spotify Podcast and on Apple Podcast.
I hope you find this information helpful. Have a great week, and please feel free to share!
#drjoykong #podcast #drjoykongpodcast #EBOO #MAH #10passozone #oxidation #Oxidationtherapy #autoimmune #ozonetherapy #biohacking
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